Case Study: Global engineering and technology company
LEAD Forward partnered with the transformation team of a large global engineering corporation to design and implement a transformation tracker. The result was a company dashboard for leaders to understand where change is proceeding well and where the company may be stuck.
In the midst of a strategy roll-out, this global leadership team wanted to understand how transformation-ready they were as a company. How can we get ahead of the challenges and identify hot spots in the company where the transformation might be blocked? How can we track its progress over time? Together with key leaders, we co-designed a change-readiness tracker and received valuable input from all departments and functions. The result was a visualization of where the company currently stands (status quo), enabling the company to target change-management initiatives efficiently and to make meaningful progress on its transformation.
A transformation-readiness tracker ensures that leaders are all on the same page about how the transformation is going. This is based on data and not just instinct. This empowers managers to attain clarity and focus on actions that will drive transformation further throughout the organization. We support companies with the development of tracker measures and analysis of results, as well as with the design and implementation of the tracker and dashboard. We also support managers with sensemaking sessions to evaluate results.
Our key insights:
A change-readiness tracker isn’t “just another survey”. When designed and implemented well, it can be a tool to keep a pulse on how change is being perceived in the organization, what aspects of the transformation are going well, and what challenges are keeping people stuck in those old ways that were used in the past.
minutes to complete the survey
the minimum percentage of the company’s staff you’d like responses from
questions or items
We coached the client’s change-team to help their staff smoothly adopt the new CRM & analytics tools.
We designed hands-on and people-focused pilot workshops for leaders to learn to guide their teams in adopting the new analytics tool.
We created a framework for leaders to guide any change with a workshop journey based on insights from the pilot workshop.