RadicLEAD is a laboratory at LEAD for innovative inputs, influencers, formats & supports for new business alternatives and economic perspectives.

Our first pilot program "Unlearn Leadership" in cooperation with the Unlearn Business Lab took place from Februar - April 2024. We went on a journey to explore how to bring radical leadership into practice is with incredible first cohort of leaders and changemakers from more than 10 different companies & organizations, based all over the world.

The first sessions of RadicLEAD

The program is a curated online & community program for radical leaders and change makers we launched in a partnership with Unlearn Business Lab. During our sessions, we had the pleasure to experience disruptive and exciting inputs at each session from the UBL co-founder, Lisa Jaspers.

Lisa had us question and challenged us to unlearn 4 myths: Hard work is good work, External incentives are what motivates, Professional distance (separating professional from personal self) is healthy, and Power is important for responsibility.

During the program, we explored:

  • Radically LEADing ourselves,
  • Radically LEADing our teams,
  • Radically LEADing our organizations AND
  • Creating community and supports to sustain RadicLEADership

The summary of our experience and learnings from the first session of RadicLEAD can be found here.

Our RadicLEAD work continues!

In addition to developing more formats, programs and tools for RadicLEADers, we will also explore some of the following:

  • Development (starting from the summary from the pilot) of a RadicLEAD framework for leaders and companies,
  • Profiles of RadicLEADers – their stories, best practices and suggestions,
  • Online RadicLEAD Conferences – to share expertise, build community an inspire,
  • RadicLEAD in-person Labs – to go deep into areas of RadicLEADership and develop reslient tools, supports and partnerships to take action.

Contact us

We would love to hear from you!  Whether you want to bring RadicLEADership programming to your company or if you have a RadicLEADer whom think we should profile, please reach out – whatever your reason.  Reach out to scott.goldner@lead.berlin or aline.neururer@lead.berlin.