C-level transition coaching

Case Study: Global Semiconductor Company

We supported this leader’s transition into a new role of leading the company’s largest wafer fabrication plant. We coached, helped set an agenda and activated leaders.

Strengthening team cohesion and setting strategic visions

Entering a new executive leadership role can be daunting – particularly in the semiconductor business where market shifts and global supply chain disruptions are massive. Recognizing this, our client entrusted us with supporting them in their transition. Through facilitated transition coaching and top-team workshops, we not only ensured a smooth handover but strengthened team cohesion and strategic alignment. Following this, we continued to amplify the leadership’s capabilities by designing unique leadership principles specifically for their manufacturing unit. The highlight of our engagement? A leadership off-site-event for 70 leaders, centered on living these principles. The result? A new initiative to foster impactful leadership in the manufacturing unit and a motivated, dynamic, and laser-focused leadership team ready for any challenge.

What we achieved together

We made sure to provide sufficient one-on-one coaching support to the leader, helping with hands-on tips and tricks as well as facilitating deeper reflection. But we also involved their leadership team so they could contribute to making the transition a success.

Our key insights:

  • Enabling leadership transition
  • Aligning leadership and strategy
  • Activating leadership principles

In the end, the new leader quickly came on board and, in fact, more seamlessly than expected. The top team readily joined the process, and we created alignment around strategic goals and how to lead the factory early on. They are now set up for success. 


leadership principles co-created to drive transformative leadership in the organization


high-tech production-site leaders activated in a highly interactive leadership off-site


top-team leadership retreats led to strengthen transformative leadership in a high-tech production-site

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